Honda Jazz Racing star
Before explaining about car modification would be nice we sit down to relax, and drink orange juice when the 1 hour and not drinking. Ok, let's discuss the topic immediately wrote irvanezoer.
Black in our News section this time is the modification technology, derived from the word modify means to make a partial change or modify in part. While the car itself is a tool that allows us to move from one location to another. So the modification means changing some or all of the car with the intention of beautifying the outside and inside the car, add comfort when driving, adding a romantic atmosphere when with her boyfriend (depending on the theme modif) and add "value" of the car.
Car parts consist of 2 parts of the interior and exterior. Part is the inside of the car's interior and exterior car is everything that is visible from outside the car. People generally like to modify the audio, seats, steering, frame, legs, adding bodykit, coloring, until spoiler (rear wing). Modify this car is a hobby and need the money that is not small.